
If you are on this page that means you are looking for video help. Below is a step-by-step guide to getting the system up and running. Below that you will find helpful links to manuals and links to more in-depth information.

Projector System Startup

  1. Go to the booth

    1. Turn iMac via the button on the back of the screen on the bottom left

    2. Login using Connection Tech username, password is: CCtech291!

    3. Let all the startup programs run their course

    4. Double click the "projector control" link on the desktop in the top center

      1. Click in the password space and click the autofill password

      2. In the top right of the screen turn the projector power on

    5. Grab the Samsung remote under the iMac and turn the tv behind you on the wall on

    6. If the apple tv home screen does not pop up, click a button on the apple tv remote under the iMac

    7. On the iMac in the top right corner look for an icon with two squares overlapping

      1. Click that icon and mirror to apple tv

      2. Type in the code that is going to pop up on the tv on the wall behind you

    8. Click the ProPresenter orange icon at the bottom of the screen

      1. Select the playlist from the left side of the screen for the service you need

      2. From the song list you can search and drag and drop songs into your playlist

      3. Verify the tv behind you on the wall is working with displaying lyrics

      4. For further ProPresenter operation please see the links below

System Shut Down

  1. Go to the booth

    1. Close ProPresenter

    2. From the projector control webpage turn the projector off

    3. Turn the display behind you on the wall off with the Samsung remote

    4. Shutdown computer

As we come across any helpful links for running video they will get posted to the right.